When Mercury is retrograde, communication suffers, information is inaccurate, important things get lost or misplaced, and medical errors are most likely, which is why this is a time to slow things down and not be in a rush. It’s an ideal time to re-examine, to re-think things through, maybe to even go back and fix things or complete projects. It’s never an ideal time to start a new venture or to sign any type of contract or document, especially with this hectic retrograde. Travelling is not advised.
This year Mercury retrogrades in two elements, fire and water, and will be going back and forth between a very critical and intense junction of the zodiac called gandanta, in Vedic astrology. Gadanta means “karmic knot”. When planets traverse this karmic knot, it creates very intense energy in the air, instability and chaos in the world and within us as well to varying degrees, we may feel ungrounded and overwhelmed, especially if the planet in question rules our ascendant sign or Moon sign.
These regions between water and fire signs (there are 3 of them) produce accelerated jumps in consciousness and spiritual/psychological growth but never without any disturbances of some kind. They are difficult to handle especially if we have them in our natal chart as they are said to be deep seated karmic imprints and issues that need special care and healing. The most intense gandanta degrees are said to be found between 29 degrees of all water signs and 0 degree of all fire signs, yet anywhere from 28 to 2 degrees is just as intense. (We must use the sidereal degrees/placements/signs for this.)
Mercury first retrogrades in Leo at 10 degrees of Magha on August 5, it then backs up into Cancer on August 21, and it turns direct on the 28 of August , at 27 degrees of Ashlesha lunar mansion.
The most important dates to watch out for:
August 18 to the 24
Mercury is squared by unpredictable and unconventional Uranus. Do not travel around this time. This hard aspect causes some sort of left field event to happen, we may receive some information that is surprising, or it could even be violence, bombings, or attacks. I say this because of a few reasons; Uranus is near Algol, the demon star of misfortune, war and death, and is also in Krittika ruled by Agni god of fire, hence fires and explosions are likely, while Mercury is in gandanta at this time creating havoc with travels, cargo, ships, etc. Uranus may cause an earthquake or stronger tsunamis or hurricains. While Mercury is in Magha gandanta, which is fiery, Magha ruled Ketu promotes separation and endings, we may hear of sudden deaths or endings or terminations of some sort. Leo rules leaders and presidents and people in power positions. The Sun is in Leo until September 17 and is strong, however when squared by Uranus on full moon day, it creates a T-square and sudden difficult events. More on this next.
When Mercury is in the last degrees of Cancer in Ashlesha squaring Uranus, this is the most chaotic time, the energy found here is intense, we may hear of drownings and severe or extreme weather and accidents with ships and cargo. We also need to be careful who we trust as communication is misleading and manipulative, also watch what you say. Communication under Ashlesha can be poisonous in the sense that it can be very cutting or hurtful. Ashlesha relates to cunning intelligence, occult knowledge, which is ideal for diving deep into research or uncovering truth. It also deals with poisons, medicine, and the naga who is a serpent being. The symbol of Ashlesha is a coiled serpent much like the one we find in the medical system. This serpent has various meanings, it represents kundalini energy or the coiled serpent at the base of our spine, but it also represents secret knowledge and secret attacks! The month of August is very intense with lots of action and important aspects such as the upcoming Saturn square Jupiter, more on this soon. Take things slow as this is what the cosmic energy is saying.
If you are ruled by Mercury (Gemini or Virgo ascendant or Moon sign), take care of yourself and don't overstimulate your mind. Be attentive to your daily activities, and know that flexibility will be important as there may be sudden surprises and unexpected changes. You may even drastically change your mind about something.