The new Moon occurred on Sept 2, in sidereal Leo at almost 17 degrees of Purva Phalguni, this marks the start of a new 30-day cycle with specific trends and indications. This new moon is important because it’s the prelude to the upcoming partial lunar eclipse on September 17.
The new Moon/month is full of solar and masculine energy being in the sign of Leo, it brings up issues of authority, leadership, and power. It's being opposed by Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, the sign of the people. For those who don’t know, Saturn is the son of the Sun, and they are bitter enemies and so this energy is significant during this upcoming 30-day cycle. We may face serious confrontations in our personal lives with our own father or father/authority figures. Try to navigate this energy with caution, it can work to our advantage if we use humility when dealing with others. Oppositions are all about relationships and how we deal with others, which is really just a reflection of how we deal with ourselves, our own issues, and self-worth, self-love.
Saturn brings temporary delays and challenges this month. He does bring a serious undertone to this month, yet the new moon energy is also about lighter energy and enjoyment. Saturn holds a lot of the same characteristics as the Sun, being its son. Themes of consistency, reliability, keeping our word, are big this month, these are all solar and masculine energy traits.
Saturn plays a key role in the upcoming full Moon eclipse, which occurs 2 weeks after the new moon.
Mercury is "severely" gandanta the day of the new moon at 29 degrees of Cancer, indicating all kinds of mishaps with weather, including drownings, shipwreck, and feelings of drowning as well or being overwhelmed. Ultimately the gandanta degree is really an opportunity for spiritual and psychological progress, and healing.
Mars in Gemini, the sign of information, communication, news, media, travel, is exactly square Neptune on this day, information is not truthful, we are being lied to left and right, the news is not to be trusted. Things are not transparent this month, so be careful who you trust. Neptune rules liquids, oceans, medicine, gasoline. Gas prices are on the rise, and so are oceanic incidences/drownings, and shipwreck this month. Neptune is near fixed star Sheat, which relates to sadness and endings. There is an increase of sudden or mysterious deaths this month unfortunately, especially as it relates to celebrities, this is also indicated by Venus being conjunct Ketu.
As mentioned above, this new Moon is not all about seriousness, it’s also about enjoying the pleasures of life, relaxation, and powerful creative energy, being in Purva Phalguni ruled by Venus and deity Bhaga. Topics of love, marriage, celebration, and inspiration abound. This is a month where we may receive gifts and reap the fruit of our labour as Purva Phalguni means “fruit of the tree”. Starting new creative projects is a good idea now, while using the solar masculine energies, it will eventually pay off as Bhaga assures us success, being the god of wealth and good fortune! This lunar mansion reminds us to enjoy the present moment and be inspired by life in all its forms. It’s a highly passionate lunar mansion, so once again issues of love and romance are strongly felt this month.
Venus ruler of Purva Phalguni is conjunct Ketu in Virgo this month, indicating Karmic sensations in matters of love, but also a certain dissatisfaction that can be felt within relationships. Try to not criticize your partner too much. Venus is debilitated in Virgo, as it is too discriminating, and operates more at the mental level rather than via the heart, which is its natural inclination, as Venus rules the heart center. Relationships can come to an end with this conjunction. As Venus rules females, we may hear of the death of a famous female or celebrities this month and in the upcoming weeks.