The full Moon occurs on August 19 in Aquarius at 3 degrees Dhanishta. This is a highly charged and tense cosmic event that involves an exact T-square with Uranus in Taurus.
Uranus being the apex planet, meaning the planet at the mid point receiving multiple squares, in this case 3 squares (from Sun, Moon, and Mercury retrograde), is the planet under the most amounts of pressure, and as such is on the verge of an abrupt breaking point! This means sudden unexpected disruption is on the horizon. It can be in the form of a massive earthquake, or “natural” disaster, it can be full-on war/violence, attacks, explosions, eruptions, etc.
Again, Uranus is near Algol, a very misfortunate star of violence, and when WW2 started, Uranus was in Taurus near Algol, 84 years ago. History seems to be repeating itself. Because Mercury is retrograde gandanta and involved in the T-square, sudden health crises most likely will arise and may impact our lives once again. Don’t fall for the fear tactics, this is an old trick to lower humanities frequency and vibration, the motto is the same; order out of chaos. They purposely create the chaos so that they can implement the order.
The T-square is happening in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius), which means that all the planets here are not budging, not moving, not changing their minds, not interested in change, they are fixed with great endurance and determination, and nobody can make them change their minds, etc. Yet, willing or not willing to change, Uranus will abruptly bring on unpleasant left-filed events and circumstances to the table and cause disruption or force change to take place.
This creates a scenario where a lot of people, countries, leaders are furious and at a breaking point! Something will erupt soon. Your role as an individual reading this? Have no fear and connect to the divine within as much as possible. Live by the golden rule of treat others the way you want to be treated.
Within this full Moon T-square are multiple T-squares! To make it simple; all the planets in Leo (Mercury, Sun, Venus) and Aquarius (Saturn, Moon) are opposing each other, while being squared by all the planets in Taurus (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus). This is a recipe for an explosion of some kind, especially with Mars being squared by Saturn and Venus! Our patience is tested right now, we are under a thick layer of pressure. Our beliefs are being tested as well (Saturn square Jupiter), lots of societal change ahead coming from the Saturn square Jupiter, but mainly also because of Uranus in Taurus, from digital currency, to farming and food supply innovations and changes, to nature modifications, to a deeper integration with high-tech and AI in our daily lives.
The full Moon is in Dhanistha, which is part of the sky that is ruled by Mars, and so we have Mars-Saturn energy here which is conflicting and difficult to navigate as Mars wants to move forward and Saturn is constantly putting on the breaks, patience is needed. The Aquarius-Leo axis is all about the people, society, humanity, advanced and futuristic concepts, AI, high-tech, biotech, VERSUS those in power, leaders, governments (govern-mente), and presidents, and so major conflict is present here now. The Moon is conjunct Saturn retrograde, the lord of Karma, depicting the seriousness of what is going on in the world as well as the karmic repercussions involved.
At a personal level the full Moon is indicating significant dissatisfaction with one’s life or one’s situation, and that something must change! Take advantage of the fixed energy to persevere through the challenges ahead, yet don’t be so rigid and closed off to transformation, as resistance breeds more resistance. Try to avoid unnecessary conflict.
